Hyphen Islam-Christianity Collectors' Book
Hyphen Islam-Christianity Collectors' Book
By Nada Raphael
In Creative Stationary
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If you think religion and politics are a reality that cannot be avoided in Lebanon, think again... This book is about neither religion nor politics. It's about the individuals with whom we cross paths. It's about those whose lives and stories we sometimes like to wonder about. Stories of human interest - that we can relate to - are revealed through these photographs; through the human aspect of these images, we catch a glimpse of a whole country, outside the frame of what we think we know. Photographs, landscapes, portraits, stories, and comic strips, are all a Hyphen between two religions often described as opposed.
Si vous êtes de ceux qui croient que la religion et la politique sont incontournables au Liban... vous serez décus. Trait d'union Islam-Christianisme ne traite ni de politique ni de religion. Il s'agit de l'humain tout simplement. Celui que l'on croise et dont on se plait souvent à imaginer la vie ou l'histoire. A travers la photo, l'humain se révèle à l'humain, et à travers lui, tout un pays se laisse deviner... hors des sentiers battus. Photos, paysages, portraits, histoires, bandes dessinées forment ce trait d'union entre ces deux religions souvent décrites de manière contradictoire.
Projet de / Project by Nada Raphael
Co-Auteures / Co-Authors Nada Raphael, Joelle Sfeir
Photographe / Photographer Nada Raphael
Infographie / Design Youmna Raphael
Chercheures/Researchers Pamela Chrabieh, Carla Edde, Nour Farra Haddad
Maison d'Édition / Publishing House Electrochocks Éditions (Montreal-Beirut), 2009.
700 p. Collectors' Book.

About Nada Raphael

As an engaged artist passionate about her country, Nada Raphael uses her diverse experiences to write articles and stories, take pictures, direct and produce documentaries, raise awareness, express feelings, share different opinions, and shed light on untold realities.
With more than 15 years as a photographer, she did many exhibitions in Montreal, such as “Hyphen Islam Christianity” in 2010, at the Gesù – Centre de créativité, “Beirut Art Fair” at the Artheum (for three consecutive years 2013-2015), and many more.
As a filmmaker and a documentarist, her work was selected in many different Festivals worldwide. Irani-Afghani (2002), chosen at the NFB Lebanese film festival, is a documentary on the Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi, who shot a documentary in Afghanistan only two weeks before the fall of the Taliban Regime. Flash Back… Ou Ba3dein (2007), portraying the Lebanese Canadians caught in the 2006 war in Lebanon, was selected for many festivals, such as the Festival des Films sur les Droits de la Personne in Montreal. Hyphen Islam-Christianity documenting the many religious communities in Lebanon, selected worldwide, in 25 cities, shown in Festivals and Universities.
She wrote many articles for the Journal Metro, IN-Magazine, and L’Avenir in Montreal as a journalist. She animated her radio show Alf Layla Wa Layla at CISM89.3 FM in Montreal.
The book she co-wrote, “Hyphen Islam Christianity,” won Special mention in the 30th France-Lebanon Award organized by the Association des Écrivains de Langue Française (ADELF) in 2010.
Through her lens, Nada Raphael highlights different messages and taboos and tries to grab people’s senses and emotions because dialogue through art can change one's vision and mentality. Sharing stories, images, sounds, and emotions, all aim at bridging among people and uncovering what unites us, as well as each person’s “hidden gems".