Collection: Unyielding Collective Art Exhibition

Unyielding Collective Art Exhibition

Exhibiting Artists

All Exhibiting . Aida Rubeiz . Aline Jabre . Amira Al Zein . Chris Assoury . Cliff Makhoul . Dzovig Arnelian . Gaia Maria Noujeim . George Khoury . Gilbert Loutfi . Joyce Hatem . Loulou Bissat . Manar Ali Hassan . Maral Maniss . Merheb Merheb . Nada Raphael . Pamela Chrabieh . Rayane Raidi . Roula Salibi . Samia Soubra . Toufic Melhem . Yara Loucas . Ziad Jreige

Toufic Melhem

Toufic Melhem was born in Lebanon in 1991 and has become a multidisciplinary artist. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design. He pursued his passion for the visual arts by completing a Master of Fine Arts degree in 2021 at the Lebanese University of Fine Arts.

Melhem has gained recognition for his innovative use of materials and his ability to push the boundaries of traditional art forms. Throughout his career, he has explored his work's full range of human emotions and mental states, drawing inspiration from his experiences and observations of the world around him.

Melhem's art is deeply personal and often incorporates unconventional materials and techniques, creating visually striking and conceptually rich works. His sculptures and installations often incorporate movement, inviting viewers to engage with his work more profoundly. Melhem has collaborated with other artists in collective exhibitions, showcasing his unique approach to sculpture and installation art. His contributions to the arts have been widely recognized, and his work has been exhibited in galleries and other venues throughout Lebanon.
